Finding the Best Cheap False Eyelashes for your Date Night Look - Lavaa Beauty

Finding the Best Cheap False Eyelashes for your Date Night Look

If you have a date around the corner, you might already be wondering what it is that you are planning on wearing. When you are going out for a special night out you will want to look your best. After you pick your outfit for the evening, the next thing to do is your makeup. We can’t really help you choose what dress to wear or what top to match with what pants. However, we can give you a few recommendations on how to heighten whatever outfit you end up going for with beautiful false eyelashes that won’t break your bank. At Lavaa Beauty we have a catalog full of the best cheap false eyelashes that are sure to go great with your look.

Full Glamour

Your first instinct, especially if you are planning on hitting all the nighttime hotspots, might be to go full glamour look. We get it. It’s a good call because what better way to celebrate yourself regardless of your relationship status? Our Luxury mink collection has all the lush, attractive false lashes that are sure to crown your look. Our Heartbreaker, Mischief, and Sexy eyelash models are thick and bold. They give you different degrees of fluff and fullness so that you get choose just how much emphasis you want on your lashes. Paired with the right eyeshadow, these lashes will contribute to quite an eye-catching look. 

cheap false eyelashes

Sweet and Subtle

On the other end of the spectrum, you might be aiming for a more subtle look. Maybe it’s still one of the first few dates and you don’t want to go that just yet. Maybe you’ve been together for a few years already and you know you can take it easy without any pressure. Either way, we have the perfect lashes for you. Our Venomous corner lashes give you the perfect look by seamlessly blending in with your natural lashes and creating a subtle cat-eye effect in the corners of your eyes. With just hints of eyeshadow, and maybe a little bit of mascara, these can help you achieve a sweet look with minimal effort.

Elegant and Sophisticated

The balance between full glamour and subtle chic lies somewhere along the lines of a formal look. After all, if you are attending a formal occasion, say a dinner date or a party, you might not want to go all-in with the glamour look as to overdo it, but you will still want to catch people’s attention. The way to do so is through one of our finer models, such as Classy, Sweetheart, or Troublemaker, all of which are meant to coexist more naturally with your own lashes and heighten their look with certain aesthetics in mind. There’s no better way to crown a formal look than with the right pair of false mink lashes.

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